Stage updates before deploying them. In cpacman world that means - you fetch updates from upstream:
# up2dater.py -h site.x.com
most probably you're going to be doing it in batch:
# for s in s1 s2 s3 s4 ; do up2dater.py -h ${s}.mysite.com ; done
Better yet use find_server.py
to do the dirty job of finding appropriate servers:
# for s `find_server.py -N -d` ; do up2dater.py -h ${s}.mysite.com ; done
After that you only use update.py to install errata's on servers of appropriate waves:
# for s in `find_server.py -N -d -m exact -s priorities update_priority=1`; \ do update.py -h ${s} ; done
And once done with that - push those to servers as usual:
# for s in `find_server.py -N -d -m exact -s priorities update_priority=1`;\ do installer.py -h ${s} -u root ; done
However batching thinks like in last step might be dangerous because
if you do have some problem RPM is not smart enough sometimes to return
error code so cpacman has no idea that install failed and confirm will
do stupidest thing ever. Thus confirm.py
is called manually for each machine once you DO confirm that everything is OK.